Are you curious about...

this concept of recalibration and living as your most unapologetically expressive, liberated, passionate, creative self?

my point of view or what I do?

For any or all of the above, let’s get to know each other over a cup of tea (or whatever your beverage of choice is)!

Try a 30 minute 1:1 Recalibration Clarity Consult. It’s a free consultation - part meet-a-new-friend, part mentoring session - where you can ask me your questions about how & where recalibration might support you right now. And I’ll share the ideas or resources I have to get you unstuck.

If at the end of the call, you’d like to know more about how I could help you move forward, I can share options on how I could guide you on your recalibration journey.

Or if you’re not ready to connect on a call yet, but just want to come along for the ride & hear more about this recalibration & unapologetic self-leadership journey I’m on & what’s happening next, let’s stay connected through “Postcards from Vidya,” - I invite you to join the mailing list below.